Admission EnquiryGreat Place To WorkGreat Place To Work

Rules and regulations

Rules and regulations

    1.Attendance Rules

  • Students should earn a minimum of 75% attendance in the current semester to become
    eligible to write the End Semester examinations.
  • Candidates who earn attendance less than 75% but 65% and above are not eligible to
    appear for the current semester examinations. However, the Principal may condone the lack
    of attendance of the students on the medical grounds on the submission of medical
    certificate and permit them to write ESE, after the payment of relevant fee.
  • Candidates who earn attendance between 55% and 64% are not eligible to appear for the
    current semester examinations. However, they can write arrear subjects, if any. They are
    permitted to continue their studies in the next semester; while continuing in the next
    semester, they must earn combined attendance of 75% or more by taking the average of the
    attendance earned in the current and the previous semester. These candidates are eligible to
    write previous semester subjects along with the current semester subjects. Otherwise, they
    will not be permitted to appear for both the previous semester and current semester papers,
    and they must redo the course from the previous semester and in the following academic
    year, if vacancy is available, after obtaining the approval from the Bharathiar University
    and the Principal through the Head of the Department concerned.
  • Candidates who earn attendance below 55% are not eligible to write the examination in the
    current semester subjects and must discontinue the course and re-join in the same semester
    in the next academic year, if vacancy is available, with proper approval from the Bharathiar
    University and the Principal through the Head of the Department concerned. These
    candidates are eligible to write arrear subjects, if any.
  • A candidate who has secured less than 65% of attendance in the final semester has to
    compensate his/her attendance shortage in a manner to be decided by the Head of the
    Department concerned, the dean of the school concerned and the Principal, after re-joining
    the course.

    2.Instructions to Candidates

  • Every student shall register for the college examination of the relevant semester in which
    she/he to obtain promotion to the next semester.
  • Every student who is eligible to write the examination should submit his/ her application
    through the Principal / HoD within two weeks after the commencement of classes or as
    stipulated by the college.
  • Candidate should ensure that they receive their hall tickets at least two days prior to the
    examinations, provided they have adequate attendance and paid required examination fees.
  • They should bring their hall tickets on all days of the examination failing which they will
    not be admitted to the examination hall.
  • If the hall ticket is lost, they should immediately submit an application for a duplicate hall
    ticket to the CoE through the Principal/HoD, as the case may be.
  • The candidates should enter the examination hall at least 15 minutes before the
    commencement of examination and shall not leave the room during the last five minutes.
    In exceptional cases, the Chief Superintendent can permit relaxation up to a maximum of
    30 minutes for candidates to enter the examination hall. No candidate shall be allowed to
    leave the examination hall before 30 minutes after the commencement of examinations.
  • Candidates are permitted to use only blue or black ink pens for writing examinations. No
    other coloured inked pens are allowed for writing the exam.
  • No materials except writing materials and hall ticket should be allowed in the examination
    room. Mobile phones, programmable calculators and other electronic equipment are
    strictly prohibited in the examination room. Logarithm tables, calculators and other
    drawing equipment may be allowed only if they are required for answering questions and
    the question paper contains a note to this effect.
  • Instances of malpractice such as copying using manuscripts, copying from other
    candidates, smuggling of answer booklet, indecent behaviour in the examination room, use
    of unfair means etc., are liable to be punished as per college rules.
  • The candidate should write their register number, name of the examination etc., in the
    appropriate places in the answer booklet. Instructions given in the answer booklet and
    question paper should be strictly followed. They are not permitted to write any
    identification mark anywhere inside the answer paper. Also, they are not permitted to write
    register number anywhere inside the answer booklet.
  • They should not write anything on the question paper other than the register number. The
    last page of the question booklet can be used for rough work.
  • Strict silence should be maintained in the examination hall. Candidates are not allowed to
    get clarification from other students. In case of any doubt, they can seek the help of the
  • They should return the answer scripts before leaving the room. Candidates are not
    permitted to leave the examination hall without the permission of the invigilator during the
    course of the examination.
  • Candidates are forbidden to ask questions of any kind during the examination. Invigilators
    are instructed to refuse to answer any inquiries whatsoever related to the question papers,
    whether as explanation of meaning or correction of typographical errors.
  • Candidates shall take their places in the examination hall at least ten minutes before the
    time fixed for distributing the question papers. Candidates presenting themselves more
    than half an hour after the commencement of examination should not be admitted.
  • The rule that candidates should not be allowed to leave the hall before the expiry of half an
    hour from the commencement of the examination should be strictly followed.
  • No candidates shall be allowed to leave the examination hall till the expiry of half an hour
    after a question paper has been given.
  • Candidates who leave the examination hall more than half an hour earlier than the
    scheduled time for the close of the examination should surrender their question papers with
    their name and register number written on them to the invigilator. They may collect them
    after the examination, if they desire so.
  • Candidates who leave the hall refusing to surrender the question papers, as stated above,
    shall not be allowed to appear for examinations on subsequent days and the matter may be
    reported to the chief superintendent and CoE.
  • Candidates shall be permitted to leave the examination hall only after his/her answer script
    is taken charge of by the invigilator. They should not be permitted to leave the hall after
    keeping their answer script in their seats.

    3.Punishment for Malpractice

  • I Punishment for malpractice committed during Continuous Internal Assessment

    Students, who are found guilty of committing any kind of malpractice during CIA tests, will
    not be awarded marks for CIA of the particular paper and it will be entered as Zero (0).
  • II Punishment for malpractice committed during and after the End Semester
S.No.Nature of MalpracticeActions to be taken
1 (i) Writing one’s internal marks in the answer script and request for a pass.
(ii) Irrelevant writing by the student in the answer script.
(iii) Enclosing a Letter of appeal coupled with promise of any form of consideration along with the answer script.
(iv) Student facilitating the other to copy from his/her answer script.
(i) The result should be put on hold.
(ii) A penalty should be collected from the defaulter after getting an explanation about the malpractice.
(iii) In case if it is due to ignorance, marks can be awarded with a penalty of 5 marks.
(iv) Invalidating the examination of the particular course written by the student.
2 Possession of incriminating material for copying. (Including all forms of Electronic Gadgets) The particular examination taken by the candidate stands cancelled and he/she will not be permitted to write the rest of the examinations of that semester. However, the result of the examinations written prior to the date of malpractice will be published.
Any electronic gadgets seized inside the examination hall will not be returned.
3 (i) Copying from notes, books or any written/printed material related to the subject of the examination.
(ii) Bearing the answer book of another candidate to copy.
The particular examination taken by the candidate stands cancelled and he/she will not be permitted to write the rest of the examinations, if any, in that semester, including supplementary/additional subjects of examinations.Current semester examinations will be cancelled for both the candidates. If repeated, the candidate will be debarred from
appearing for ensuing two semester examinations.
4Threatening the invigilator/any such insubordinate behavior.Appearing for Current semester examinations will be cancelled, and the candidate will be debarred from appearing for the ensuing four semester examinations that follow.
5 For manhandling/injuring the Chief Superintendent, Hall Superintendent, and other examination officials/personnel (College and other Institutions).
6 Candidate on account of his/her malpractice exhibiting verbal resistance inside or outside the examination hall or running out of the hall with or without the answer script.
7 Candidate snatching away the question paper or answer script from the Chief Superintendent/Hall Superintendent or any other official who possesses them. The current semester examinations will be cancelled for the candidate, and they will be barred from appearing for future semester examinations.
8 Case of impersonation (Current students and past students who are now appearing as private candidates). The impersonator will be handed over to the administrator, and actions will be taken accordingly. The person(s) responsible for impersonation, be it the candidate or the impersonator, will be banned from writing the next six semester examinations from that institution.
9 Entering the examination hall after consuming or in possession of alcohol/drugs. Expulsion from the examination hall and cancellation of performance in that course for that semester or the year. He/she will be recommended for dismissal from the college with immediate effect. The matter will be referred to police for further action.
10 Tampering in the statement of marks/provisional certificates/degree.certificates issued by the College/University. The tampered certificates will be retained by the college, and duplicates will be provided with penalty.The matter will be referred to the police for further action, if necessary.

NOTE: Though the above penalties are stipulated for various malpractice cases, it is left to the discretion of the Examination Committee to affirm, reduce, and enhance the penalty depending upon the nature of malpractice.

  • The matter regarding the malpractice will be placed before the Disciplinary Action Committee for enquiry and decision of the Committee shall be final and the same will be informed to the Result Passing Board.

    4. Revaluation and Photocopy of the Answer Scripts

  • PG/UG candidates may apply for re-valuation/photocopy of valued answer scripts, to the Controller of Examinations through the Heads of the Departments and the Principal, in the prescribed forms, remitting the prescribed fee within five working days from the date of
    publication of results.
  • Revaluation/obtaining photocopy of answer scripts is permissible for all who has appeared for any paper in the End semester examinations of current semester.
  • Those who wish to apply for revaluation of final semester papers can do so within five working days from the date of publication of results.
  • Revised Mark Statement will be issued after withdrawing the previous one, if the marks obtained in revaluation are higher than the marks obtained earlier. In other cases, the original marks obtained earlier will be retained and the matter will be intimated to the student concerned as ‘No change’.
  • Candidates who desire to apply for revaluation after obtaining photocopy of valued answer scripts can do so within five working days from the date of receipt of the photocopy, remitting the prescribed fee for revaluation.
  • The option for photocopies & revaluation is not applicable for the answer scripts subjected to revaluation and special supplementary examinations.
  • The CoE shall arrange for revaluation of such answer scripts by an examiner from the approved panel of examiners. If there is a difference of more than 15% of maximum marks between the first valuation and Revaluation, the paper will be revaluated. The candidate is entitled to the marks advantageous to him/ her.
  • The marks awarded by the original examiner if marked on the answer scripts shall be concealed from the answer script and sent for revaluation.
  • The result of the revaluation shall ordinarily be made known to the student through the Head of the Department within 15 days from the last date of receipt of applications by the Office of the Controller of Examinations.

    5. Information Regarding Examinations

  • For the candidates who have completed the duration of the course and left the college, all information regarding regular, arrear and supplementary examinations, results, issue of certificates and application for graduation will be available in the college website and general notice board of the college. Regular students will, however, be informed of the examinations by circulation, in addition to the modes mentioned above. In this regard there is no individual communication.