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M.Sc. Mathematics

PEOs | PSOs | POs

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  • PEO1: Graduates willable to develop theoretical knowledge both in algebraic and Numerical analysis.
  • PEO2: Graduates will identify the solution for real life problems with the acquired Skill.
  • PEO3: Graduates can apply their knowledge in development of research in various fields of mathematics.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

  • PSO 1: Understand the mathematical concept and its application in various field like Numerical analysis, algebra, and differential equations.
  • PSO 2: Ability to develop the statistical tools and apply it in designing research experiments, Banking etc.
  • PSO 3: Apply the process of operational research in business, factories and decision Making. Develop to proceed their research work in specialized fields with the appropriate
    Extension. Execute the knowledge gained in Industries and also scientific projects
Graduate AttributesPO No.Program Outcomes
Scientific KnowledgePO 1Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science and electronic hardware to provide solutions for all kinds of problems in the respective domain.
Problem AnalysisPO 2Identify and analyze the complex and real world problems based on the knowledge acquired in the core field.
Design / Development of SolutionsPO 3Design an innovative interface method to bring the complete solutions using statistical methods and visualize the results for decision making.
Conduct Investigations of Complex ProblemsPO 4Develop the ability to design experiments and investigate complex problems based on the knowledge acquired through various research methods to come up with valid conclusions.
Modern Tool UsagePO 5Apply the modern tools and technologies to formulate, design, implement and demonstrate a self designed solution.
The Science and SocietyPO 6Apply the scientific knowledge and to provide innovative ideas to shape our society in a better way.
Environment and SustainabilityPO 7Identify and develop solutions to environmental related problems and to enhance the people’s quality of life.
EthicsPO 8Understand the societal and ethical responsibilities of the professionals in their respective discipline.
Individual and Team WorkPO 9Work effectively as an individual and also an effective team member to attain the predefined goals.
CommunicationPO 10Communicate effectively with a wide range of audience using a range of modalities including written, oral and graphical presentations.
Project Management and FinancePO 11Effectively manage project work and ability to understand the principles in multi – disciplinary sectors.
Lifelong LearningPO 12Acquire skill based knowledge and ability for lifelong learning.