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Code of Conduct

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Code of Conduct

A. Class Hours

  • A warning bell will be given 5 minutes before the commencement of the class at 9.25 a.m. / 12.55 p.m. and the second bell at 9.30 a.m. / 1.00 p.m. for the commencement of class. Students should stand for a one-minute prayer at 9.30a.m. A long bell is given at the end of the session at 12.20 / 3.35 p.m.
  • Students should be in their respective class room before the second bell.

B. Attendance

  • Attendance will be taken at the beginning of the hour. A student who is not in the class when attendance is taken will be marked absent.
  • Late coming to the classes will not be entertained and students will be marked absent for the classes for which they are late. If the reason is not valid, regular late comers will be counselled.

C. Leave of Absence

  • Students should submit the leave letter duly signed by parents / guardians / warden to the class tutor before going on leave.
  • In case of emergency the students are instructed to inform the leave to the class tutor over phone and when they come back to college they should produce the leave letter before 9.25 a.m. The Leave letter should be duly signed by the parents.
  • Students should come along with parents / local guardian when they take leave for more than 3 days on the day of their return to the college.
  • A student who applies for long leave on grounds of illness must attach a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner with his / her leave application form. The student should inform the HoD /Class Tutor on the day of their admission to the hospital. In any case the medical certificate must reach the college office with in 5 days of the student return to the classes. Medical certificate submitted later will not be accepted. Production of the medical certificate will not automatically enable a student to get condonation of shortage of attendance.
  • Students should not take leave during Internal examination. In case of emergency they should inform HoD / Class Tutor over phone. If the leave is not valid and it is not acceptable, the HoD will impose severe action on the student and they have to bring their parent for proper explanation.
  • Students officially participating in events outside the college and claiming attendance for those days should submit leave application to the class tutor before 3 days of participation, duly signed by the convener and the Vice Principal.
  • Continued absence without leave for more than 10 working days will render a suitable liable to have his / her name struck off from the Rolls of the College.
  • The students are eligible for attendance condonation to Bharathiar University only once during their course of study. If the students lack attendance for more than one semester, they will not be permitted to appear for the University examinations.

D. Good Manners and Behavior

  • Every student shall greet the members of the staff on his/her first meeting on the day. When the lecturer enters all students should rise and remain standing until they are instructed to sit down. No student is allowed to leave the lecture hall without the Lecturer’s permission or until the class is dismissed. Students should not argue with the faculty members. They should maintain proper decorum inside the classroom and the campus.
  • The card should be shown to any member of the staff or to the College Officials if required. Students should not come to college without an identity card. If original ID card is lost, they have to get a duplicate card immediately from office after paying a fine of Rs.50/-
  • Students attending classes, meeting or other gatherings within the college are expected to be presentably dressed in accordance with approved etiquette.
  • The College does expect all students to keep in mind the basic norms of modesty and decency in regard to dress. The students should take up the task of monitoring the dress code. The student council representatives (Two) will be responsible to ensure that the dress code is maintained in their class. On the basis of a representation made by the student body, the management in consultation with the staff has arrived at the following decisions. Formal Dress Code from Monday to Thursday is Formal Pants, Tuck in Half sleeve shirts for Boys and Salwar / ChuridharKameez for Girls.
  • Students are not to loiter about in the corridors or play games during class hours. Loitering, shouting, whistling and other such acts that cause nuisance in the premises are strictly prohibited. Strict silence should be maintained while moving from class room to laboratory and back.
  • Students are not permitted to smoke on the campus or come to the College under the influence of alcohol. They are liable to disciplinary action if found smoking on the campus, or found under the influence of spirits or drugs.
  • Students are requested to leave their two wheelers in the parking area where the space is allotted.
  • After class hours no student is expected to remain on the campus unless there is a function/ Programme / rehearsal games practice etc., prior information is needed for this. Outsiders are not to be encouraged to come to the College to meet students
  • Students must cultivate the use of the Library. They are expected to spend their free time in the Library or in the reading room where they can refer to books.

E. Disciplinary Regulation

Students should abstain from active participation in party or Communal politics.

  • Ragging is a cognizable offence and those who indulge in it or encourage it will be handed over to the law as per the G.O rules and regulation. Criminal action will be initiated against student(s) found guilty of indulging in ragging inside and outside the College. In case, any criminal case is registered against a student by the law enforcing authorities, he/she should intimate the same within 24 hours to the Principal, failing which he/she is liable for disciplinary action leading to expulsion.
  • The Principal shall have full power to inflict the following punishment in the interest of the students or the institution: Fine, loss of attendance, loss of term certificate, suspension or expulsion.
  • Students should not indulge in any activity leading to the disruption of peace and discipline or dislocation of the normal functions or meetings.
  • All fees payable by students shall be paid only at the Bank Counter on the college campus. The bank will issue a receipt (Challan) for every payment. Students must preserve these fees receipts carefully till the end of course.
  • Students who do not pay the fees by the due dates shall pay a fine of Rs.10 for each working day after the due dates. Absence with or without leave is no grounds for exemption from this rule.
  • Names of students who have not paid the whole fees before the last day for payment of the fees with fine are liable to be struck off the rolls. Such students will be re-admitted only on payment of the entire amount of the fees due with fine. They will also lose attendance from the date on which their names are struck off the rolls till the date of their re-admission.
  • Fees due to the college and / or hostels will not be suspended in anticipation of an award of scholarship from any source. Belated payment of any fees or dues will necessarily attract a fine unless prior exemption has been obtained for it.