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Department of Corporate Secretaryship

PEOs | PSOs | POs

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

The B. COM CS program describe accomplishments that graduates are expected to attain
within five to seven years after graduation

  • PEO1 – Demonstrate ability to adapt to a rapidly changing environment by learning new skills and new competencies for application thereof .
  • PEO2 – Acquire the spirit of compassion, kinship and commitment for National Harmony
  • PEO3 – Progressively adopt and learn continuously through ICT modules
  • PEO4 – Enable the students to acquire professional qualification at the earliest.
  • PEO5 – Prepare young and Capable Company Secretaries and Professional for managing Corporate Organization efficiently.

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

After the successful completion of B.COM CS program, the students are expected to

  • PSO1 –Inculcating analytical heart and mind to manage day- to- day business activities
  • PSO2 – Solve the practical problems in the area of Company Administration and GST in conformity with the Societal, Legal and Cultural environment
  • PSO3 – Understand the problems of Corporate sector and inculcate in the required skills for better Corporate Management.
  • PSO4 – Be an active member of a corporate team with Leadership Attitude.

Programme Outcomes (POs)

After the successful completion of B.COM CS program, the students are expected to

  • PO1 – To understand a primary literary text closely paying attention to linguistic and stylistic variations, innovations, exploring themes, generic conventions and historical contexts
  • PO2 – Become knowledgeable in the subject of Corporate Laws and apply the principles of the same to the requirements of the Employer / Institution / Own Business or
  • PO3 – Gain Analytical skills in the field/area of Accounting and Taxation
  • PO4 – Understand and Appreciate Professional Ethics, Community Living and Nation Building Initiatives.
  • PO5 – Capable of handling several departments in companies.
  • PO6 – Understanding and giving solutions to various Financial Problems.
  • PO7 – Able to identify and adopt compliance formalities in Company Administration